Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Prevalent Spelling and Usage Errors I Do Not Understand

  • "Definate" (as opposed to definite)-- it's a short 'i' at the end.  If you're having trouble, just remember that it ends in "finite", which is a number that is quantifiable, or... definite.
  • "Pregnate" (as opposed to pregnant)-- who says "pregnate" when they talk?  I have never heard anyone talk like this, and I know sometimes the spelling is used when peeps are trolling for the lulz, but I've seen it used on facebook by dumb people too.  Considering how often some of these people breed, you'd think they could spell it.
  • Apostrophe misuse and abuse-- I remember a long time ago, I advocated for taking away the apostrophe in the English language until people learned how to use it.  Uh, apparently people are taking me seriously, because I am starting to see the word "im" instead of "I'm".  I try not to be a snob about capitalization. but come on.
  • "Wut" (as opposed to "what")-- If I pronounce the word "what" like "wut", I am mocking someone, probably someone very specific.  Is it really that hard to type out what?  I mean, H and A are in the home row if you're typing with QWERTY.  If you're typing in Dvorak, I doubt you use "wut" because you are too busy being awesome, or possibly one-handed AND awesome.
  • "U" and "UR" (as opposed to "you", "your" and "you're")-- this is okay in a text message once in a while when you need to save letters.  Fuck you for using them in any other context.  I am more comfortable with people using "J"s and "I"s interchangeably than the usage of "UR".  Isn't Ur like... somewhere in the Bible?
To be continued...

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